The best Italian banks: rating of the largest

Top 4 Italian Banks: Reliability, Quality, Innovation

When you need to choose a bank, the market offers several options, but not all of them provide quality service or have the same level of stability and security. For this reason, it is important to get to know a bank better before committing yourself to any one.

To help you make the right choice, in this article we have identified the best Italian banks in 2023. Factors such as CET1, services offered and capitalization were taken into account when making the selection.

1. Mediolanum

This credit organization is a real authority in the world of finance both in Italy and abroad, founded in 1997.

This bank has been in operation for a quarter of a century, and during these years the high approval rate among its current account holders has never decreased.

Proof of this is the CET1 ratio of 21.05% (as of 30/06/2023), one of the highest in Italy. In case you're wondering, CET1 is an indicator used to quantify a bank's soundness.

However, beyond numerical values, Mediolanum shows itself to be an excellent bank in practice as well. In fact, it provides various tools to better manage its finances.

Moreover, the management of this bank has never suffered from the development of technology, always able to reorganize and keep up with the times. As proof of this, it is enough to know that online banking is one of the pillars of Mediolanum.

In addition to the experience and objective functionality of Mediolanum, it is also the low cost of the services offered.

2. Banca Sella

Another of the best Italian banks is Banca Sella, founded in 1886.

Its success is due to a mentality focused on innovation, without forgetting its roots and the human relationship with its customers.

The CET1 ratio stands at 19.12% (as of 30/06/2023). Recall that the minimum value to classify a bank as a sound credit institution is 8%.

The strengths of Banca Sella are the possibility to manage your account through the network without going to the cash desk. Meanwhile, the 24/7 customer service is one of the fastest in the industry.

It should also be added that you will be offered different solutions depending on your needs. For example, a deposit account and a traditional current account.

Finally, you should know that the cost of the current account offered by Bank of Sella is very low, which is one of the best aspects to rely on this credit organization.

3. FinecoBank

Fineco can be defined as a multi-channel and independent direct bank. Its current account holders, numbering over one million, benefit from credit, trading, investment and of course banking services. The year of establishment is 1999.

In addition, it is important to note that the current account offered by FinecoBank is a great solution for young people.

Another record of Fineco is related to online trading. In fact, the bank is the sector leader with a 24.75% share in the Equity ranking. Similarly, the network of advisors is one of the densest in Italy.

It is also worth noting that Fineco has been listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 2014, with a CET1 ratio of 20.8% (as of 30/06/2023), which is very high.

4. Credem

The bank is headquartered in Reggio Emilia and has been listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 1997.

This bank originated in the last century (1910) under the name Banca Agricola Commerciale di Reggio Emilia, and only 70 years later, namely in 1983, it changed its current name.

Its growth accelerated significantly in the early 1990s, absorbing smaller credit organizations. This process did not stop in the following decade as well.

Today, Credem has branches throughout Italy and in Luxembourg, with a CET1 ratio of 14.40% (as of 30/06/2023).

Credem, which is projected to become one of Italy's largest banks, offers its customers several account, card and service options, as well as the ability to set up pension funds and insurance plans.


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