Babyloan: microcredit for women's support

Babyloan: Microfinance, support for women entrepreneurs

Globally, 80% of borrowers from microfinance organizations are women. Through these micro loans, they can realize their entrepreneurial projects and become emancipated.

Microfinance to support women entrepreneurs

According to a study, an entrepreneurial project submitted by a female team to an investment fund is 30% less likely to be funded.

Around the world, women suffer from financial exclusion. In France, for example, a study by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that an entrepreneurial project submitted by a female team to an investment fund is less likely to be funded.

In other parts of the world, especially in developing countries, it can be difficult for women to access traditional financial institutions such as banks or investment funds. This leaves the alternative of solidarity-based microcredit to finance their entrepreneurial projects. According to the Convergences Microfinance Barometer, 80% of the borrowers of microfinance organizations are women.

European leader in solidarity-based microcredit

Babyloan is a platform that helps women entrepreneurs in developing countries access microcredit. Created in 2008, the site is now a European leader in the sector. It connects investors with project owners around the world.

On the principle of "crowdfunding", anyone can choose a project and the amount they want to invest in it. The money is then paid as a loan to the entrepreneur, who gradually repays the loan. It's an act of solidarity for the lender, who neither gains nor loses any money. In the fall, however, Babyloan launched a new offer, Babyloan Impact, designed to generate larger sums of money that are rewarded with "up to 6% annual interest".

"They're improving conditions for their whole family"

According to Babyloan, "economic independence is an essential tool for integration" for women in developing countries. "Thanks to microcredit, they can improve the living conditions of their whole family and emancipate themselves from their husbands. They are proud to be able to send their children to school", he emphasizes. The projects financed are very diverse: grocery stores, barber stores, beauty salons, sewing workshops, etc.

"Women repay loans better than men; they are often mothers and have a strong sense of responsibility", says Arnaud Poissonnière, Babyloan's manager.

"In my experience, women are better at managing finances than men", agrees Ines Rouma of the University of Kairouan in Tunisia. The teacher has created a coaching system to help her female students become entrepreneurs. For the past ten years, she has also been involved in Femmes Leadership, an organization that promotes the integration of Tunisian women into the political, economic and public spheres.

Supporting women in difficult situations

"There are many programs in Tunisia to support women entrepreneurs' projects. But those who don't meet the banks' criteria find it difficult to get funding. Then they turn to microcredit", says Ines Rouma.

"Microfinance allows women in difficult situations to cope better, although it is not a panacea", explains Laura Le Duarec, who, with her association 2d4b, has carried out several missions to Morocco and Madagascar to help women with their business projects. "What's really important is not just to encourage them to take out loans, but to support them while they climb out of poverty", she concludes.

In honor of International Women's Rights Day, Babyloan has set up an endowment fund to support projects run exclusively by women. This fund will further promote women's entrepreneurship in developing countries.


Microcredit is an effective tool for increasing women's economic independence and emancipation. Babyloan and other similar initiatives play an important role in supporting women entrepreneurs in developing countries.


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